Mayfield Fourth of July
If you know of a fireworks display in your area, please go ahead and send it to me (with as much info as you can) via email. If there's a website URL, even better! I and your community sure would appreciate it!
425 N Commons Blvd
City/State/Zip: Mayfield Village, Ohio 44143
County: Cuyahoga County
Kid friendly activities at Parkview Pool from 11:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (times subject to change). A variety of entertainment and concession providers will also be on- site at The Grove starting at 5:00 p.m. Music at The Grove will begin at 7:30 p.m. with Terry Lee Goffee – An All-American Salute to Johnny Cash. Fireworks at 10:00p.m. Cars can park in the pool parking lot, the softball parking lot, or the lots at Progressive. Rain date is June 30 for fireworks only.
Note: I am not affiliated with this event, I only list them; if you have a specific question, please use the contact information provided to get in touch with them directly