Family Unity In The Park Fireworks
If you know of a fireworks display in your area, please go ahead and send it to me (with as much info as you can) via email. If there's a website URL, even better! I and your community sure would appreciate it!
3090 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
City/State/Zip: Cleveland, Ohio 44104
County: Cuyahoga County
The Mt. Pleasant NOW Development Corporation and Union Miles Development Corporation present the 14th anniversary of Family Unity In The Park. The popular event skipped a year in 2018, but IT IS BACK WITH A SLAMMING LINE UP. Family Unity Day in the Park is a FREE family event that will take place on two dates: Friday, July 19th, 2019 from 3:00pm-7:30pm and Saturday, July 20th, 2019 from Noon Dusk in beautiful Luke Easter Park, the largest urban park in the state of Ohio.
Note: I am not affiliated with this event, I only list them; if you have a specific question, please use the contact information provided to get in touch with them directly